I own a working force and a force where the internal soundcard doesn't work anymore. On my "not well working force" i use a presonus USB soundcard. With this external soundcard, i have sound output only by using prime4. To use prime 4, you have to change your productcode to JC11 when binding. (mount -o bind productcode "/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/inmusic,product-code") When running prime you'll see which file you can create for your assignments. Below is an example when i run prime 4 : air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Assignments.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Device.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Assignments.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Device.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_MIDI_Port_Assignments.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_MIDI_Port_Assignments.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_MIDI_Port_Device.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "Akai_Pro_Force_MIDI_Port_Device.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "AudioBox_USB_96_MIDI_1_Assignments.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "AudioBox_USB_96_MIDI_1_Assignments.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "AudioBox_USB_96_MIDI_1_Device.qml" air.assignments.deviceadapter: Could not find file: "AudioBox_USB_96_MIDI_1_Device.qml" So all these qml files can be created. Then you can use the following qml to use it on your force. (qml syntax has been taken from Prime Firmware) [[http://dnttalo.cluster029.hosting.ovh.net/Qml/Prime4onBadForce/Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Device.qml|Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Device]] [[http://dnttalo.cluster029.hosting.ovh.net/Qml/Prime4onBadForce/Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Assignments.qml|Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Assignments]] [[http://dnttalo.cluster029.hosting.ovh.net/Qml/Prime4onBadForce/Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Device.qml|Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Device]] [[http://dnttalo.cluster029.hosting.ovh.net/Qml/Prime4onBadForce/Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Assignments.qml|Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Assignments]] I will explain a bit the syntax **_Private_ files are used for inputs / actions buttons .** Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Device.qml : import airAssignments 1.0 import InputAssignment 0.1 import OutputAssignment 0.1 import Device 0.1 import QtQuick 2.9 // QT_LOGGING_RULES=air.planck.firmware.upgrade=true LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/qt/lib /usr/Engine/JC11 -d0 Device { id: device property real gamma: 3.5 property real padGamma: 3.5 controls: [] useGlobalShift: false numberOfLayers: 0 property string deviceInfo: "" property string currentMixerFirmwareVersion /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup function queryAbsoluteControls() { console.log("Query absolute position controls") Midi.sendSysEx("F0 00 02 0B 7F 0C 04 00 00 F7") } property Timer initPhaseEndTimer: Timer { interval: 1000 repeat: false onTriggered: { console.log("Initialization phase ended") device.isInitializing = false queryAbsoluteControls() } } property bool isInitializing: false Component.onCompleted: { currentColors = {} currentSimpleColors = {} console.log("Sending Initilization Message Akai Pro AMX") Midi.sendSysEx("47 7F 2C 60 00 04 04 01 00 00"); isInitializing = true requestPowerOnButtonState() console.log("Sending initialization message for PRIME GO ...") Midi.sendSysEx("F0 00 02 0B 7F 0C 60 00 04 04 01 01 04 F7") initPhaseEndTimer.start() } Component.onDestruction: { Midi.sendNoteOff(0, 118) } property var currentColors property var currentSimpleColors // Dec to Hex Conversion function d2h(d){ return (+d).toString(16).toUpperCase() } function midiColorChannel(c, gamma){ return d2h(Math.min(127, Math.max(0, Math.floor(Math.pow(c, gamma) * 127)))) } function mapColor(color) { return Qt.rgba(color.r, color.g, color.b , color.a) } function midiColor(color, gamma) { var c = mapColor(color) return midiColorChannel(c.r, gamma) + " " + midiColorChannel(c.g, gamma) + " " + midiColorChannel(c.b, gamma) } function sendNoteOn(channel, index, value) { Midi.sendNoteOn(channel, index, value) } function sendSimpleColor(channel, index, value) { currentSimpleColors[index] = value if (value === 0) { Midi.sendNoteOff(channel, index) } else { Midi.sendNoteOn(channel, index, value) } } //Color Send Function function sendColor(channel, index, color) { currentColors[index] = color var g = device.gamma if(index >= 15 && index <= 23) { g = device.padGamma } var sysEx = "F0 00 02 0B 7F 0C 03 00 05 " + d2h(channel) + " " + d2h(index) + " " + midiColor(color, g)+" F7" Midi.sendSysEx(sysEx) } function requestPowerOnButtonState() { Midi.sendSysEx("F0 00 02 0B 7f 0C 42 00 00 F7") } function sysExToIntList(sysExString) { var valueList = sysExString.split(" ") var result = [] for(var i = 0; i < valueList.length; ++i) { result.push(parseInt(valueList[i], 16)) } return result } function sysEx(sysExString) { console.info("Received SysEx:", sysExString) var valueList = sysExToIntList(sysExString) var result = "" // 0xf0 0x00 0x02 0x0b 0x00 0x06 0x42 0x00 0x01 0x01 0xf7 if(valueList[1] === 0x00 && valueList[2] === 0x02 && valueList[3] === 0x0B && valueList[4] === 0x00 && valueList[6] === 0x42) { if(valueList[9] === 0x0) { console.log("No special power on request") } else if(valueList[9] === 0x1) { console.log("Request test-mode entry") quitToTestApp() } } else if(valueList[1] === 0x7E && valueList[2] === 0x00 && valueList[3] === 0x06 && valueList[4] === 0x02) { var i for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { result += valueList[i + 11] if(i === 1) { result += "." } } deviceInfo = result var mixerVersion = "" if(valueList.length === 43) { //mixerVersion = "00." + valueList[40].toString(16) for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { mixerVersion += valueList[i + 37] if(i === 1) { mixerVersion += "." } } } currentMixerFirmwareVersion = mixerVersion console.log("Mixer version:", mixerVersion, "(", valueList, ")") var currentSerialNumber = Planck.readFromFile("/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/serial-number") var serial = "" for(i = 20; i < 35; ++i) { if(valueList[i] === 0) { break } serial += String.fromCharCode(valueList[i]) } if(serial !== currentSerialNumber && serial.length > 0) { Planck.setDeviceSerialNumber(serial) } } } } Akai_Pro_Force_Private_Assignments.qml : import airAssignments 1.0 import ControlSurfaceModules 0.1 import Planck 1.0 import QtQuick 2.12 import InputAssignment 0.1 import OutputAssignment 0.1 MidiAssignment { objectName: "PRIME 4 Controller Assignment" Utility { id: util } GlobalAssignmentConfig { id: globalConfig midiChannel: 0 } GlobalAction { id: globalAction } Back { note: 67 ledType: LedType.Simple } Forward { //note: 115 shiftAction: Action.Quantize ledType: LedType.Simple } BrowseEncoder { //pushNote: 111 turnCC: 100 ledType: LedType.Simple } View { note: 0 holdAction: Action.ToggleControlCenter shiftAction: Action.SwitchMainViewLayout ledType: LedType.Simple } Shift { note: 49 ledType: LedType.Simple } Media { mediaButtonsModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: 'Eject' shiftName: 'Source' note: 20 hasLed: true } } } Mixer { cueMixCC: 12 cueGainCC: 13 crossfaderCC: 32 } MicSettings {} Mics { mic1Note: 36 mic2Note: 37 mic1ShiftAction: Action.ToggleMicTalkover } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: 'Left' deckMidiChannel: 9 loadNote: 123 } } Item { DeckAssignmentConfig { id: deckConfig name: model.deckName midiChannel: model.deckMidiChannel } DeckAction { id: deckAction } Bank {} Load { note: model.loadNote ledType: LedType.Simple } PerformanceModes { ledType: LedType.RGB modesModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 110 view: "CUES" } ListElement { note: 111 view: "LOOPS" altView: "AUTO" } ListElement { note: 112 view: "ROLL" } ListElement { note: 113 view: "SLICER" altView: "FIXED" } } } ActionPads { firstPadNote: 102 ledType: LedType.RGB } Sync { syncNote: 115 syncHoldAction: Action.KeySync } PlayCue { cueNote: 37 cueShiftAction: Action.SetCuePoint playNote: 114 } PitchBend { minusNote: 29 plusNote: 30 } JogWheel { touchNote: 33 ccUpper: 0x37 ccLower: 0x4D jogSensitivity: 1638.7 * 10.08 hasTrackSearch: true } Vinyl { note: 35 holdAction: Action.GridCueEdit } AutoLoop { pushNote: 116 turnCC: 160 loopInactiveShiftTurnAction: Action.BeatJump ledType: LedType.Simple } SpeedSlider { ccUpper: 0x1F ccLower: 0x4B invert: true } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: 'Right' deckMidiChannel: 9 loadNote: 124 } } Item { DeckAssignmentConfig { id: deckConfig name: model.deckName midiChannel: model.deckMidiChannel } DeckAction { id: deckAction } Bank {} Load { note: model.loadNote ledType: LedType.Simple } PerformanceModes { ledType: LedType.RGB modesModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 78 view: "CUES" } ListElement { note: 79 view: "LOOPS" altView: "AUTO" } ListElement { note: 80 view: "ROLL" } ListElement { note: 81 view: "SLICER" altView: "FIXED" } } } ActionPads { firstPadNote: 70 ledType: LedType.RGB } Sync { syncNote: 83 syncHoldAction: Action.KeySync } PlayCue { cueNote: 9 cueShiftAction: Action.SetCuePoint playNote: 82 } PitchBend { minusNote: 29 plusNote: 30 } JogWheel { touchNote: 33 ccUpper: 0x37 ccLower: 0x4D jogSensitivity: 1638.7 * 10.08 hasTrackSearch: true } Vinyl { note: 35 holdAction: Action.GridCueEdit } AutoLoop { pushNote: 56 turnCC: 230 loopInactiveShiftTurnAction: Action.BeatJump ledType: LedType.Simple } SpeedSlider { ccUpper: 0x1F ccLower: 0x4B invert: true } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { mixerChannelName: '1' mixerChannelMidiChannel: 0 } } Item { objectName: 'Mixer Channel %1'.arg(model.mixerChannelName) MixerChannelAssignmentConfig { id: mixerChannelConfig name: model.mixerChannelName midiChannel: model.mixerChannelMidiChannel } MixerChannelCore { pflNote: 13 trimCC: 3 trebleCC: 21 midCC: 6 bassCC: 200 faderCC: 14 } SweepFxKnob { cc: 24 } SweepFxSelect { channelNames: [model.mixerChannelName] buttonsModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 60 fxIndex: SweepEffect.DualFilter } ListElement { note: 61 fxIndex: SweepEffect.Wash } } } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { mixerChannelName: '2' mixerChannelMidiChannel: 0 } } Item { objectName: 'Mixer Channel %1'.arg(model.mixerChannelName) MixerChannelAssignmentConfig { id: mixerChannelConfig name: model.mixerChannelName midiChannel: model.mixerChannelMidiChannel } MixerChannelCore { pflNote: 13 trimCC: 3 trebleCC: 4 midCC: 6 bassCC: 22 faderCC: 14 } SweepFxKnob { cc: 24 } SweepFxSelect { channelNames: [model.mixerChannelName] buttonsModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 62 fxIndex: SweepEffect.DualFilter } ListElement { note: 63 fxIndex: SweepEffect.Wash } } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Effect Controls Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: "Left" deckMidiChannel: 0 } ListElement { deckName: "Right" deckMidiChannel: 1 } } Item { id: deckFx ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Active Button".arg(1) note: 93 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !device.shift output: ActionOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Active".arg(1) } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Active Button".arg(2) note: 05 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !device.shift output: ActionOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Active".arg(2) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(1) cc: 17 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0.5) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized - 1 } else { pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized + 1 } } } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) cc: 17 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(2) cc: 20 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0.5) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized - 1 } else { pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized + 1 } } } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(2) cc: 20 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2) } } } // ValueCCAssignment { // objectName: "FX%1 Rate".arg(1) // cc: 100 // channel: deckMidiChannel // enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(1)).translator.string === "Rate" // output: QtObject { // readonly property QObjProperty pTarget: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Rate".arg(1)) // function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { // if(assignmentEnabled) { // var counterClock = value > 0.5 // var changeIndex = counterClock ? -1 : 1 // pTarget.translator.index = pTarget.translator.index + changeIndex // } // } // } // } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Amount".arg(1) cc: 18 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(1)).translator.string === "Amount" output: EndlessKnobOutput { smallestIncrement: 0.01 biggestIncrement: 0.1 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Amount".arg(1) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Amount".arg(2) cc: 21 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(2)).translator.string === "Amount" output: EndlessKnobOutput { smallestIncrement: 0.01 biggestIncrement: 0.1 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Amount".arg(2) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Mix".arg(1) cc: 19 channel: deckMidiChannel output: ValueOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Mix".arg(1) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Mix".arg(2) cc: 22 channel: deckMidiChannel output: ValueOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Mix".arg(2) } } } } } /* FxAssignmentConfig { id: fxConfig midiChannel: 0 channelNames: ['1', '2'] } DJFxSelect { pushNote: 53 touchNote: 91 turnCC: 100 } DJFxTime { pushNote: 8 turnCC: 18 } DJFxWetDry { cc: 19 } DJFxActivate { fxActivateType: FxActivateType.Button activateControlsModel: ListModel { ListElement { midiChannel: 0 note: 93 } ListElement { midiChannel: 0 note: 92 } } } DJFxAssign { notes: [94, 95] } */ **_Public_ files are used to lit leds / pads.** Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Device.qml : import airAssignments 1.0 import InputAssignment 0.1 import OutputAssignment 0.1 import Device 0.1 import QtQuick 2.0 import Planck 1.0 Device { id: device property real gamma: 3.5 property real padGamma: 3.5 controls: [] useGlobalShift: false numberOfLayers: 0 property string deviceInfo: "" property QObjProperty pRunningDark: Planck.getProperty("/GUI/Scripted/RunningDark"); property bool isRunningDark: pRunningDark && pRunningDark.translator ? pRunningDark.translator.state : false onIsRunningDarkChanged: { if(isRunningDark) { Midi.sendNoteOn(0, 117, 0) } else { for(var channel in currentColors) { for(var key in currentColors[channel]) { sendColor(channel, key, currentColors[channel][key]); } } for(var channel in currentSimpleColors) { for(var simpleKey in currentSimpleColors[channel]) { sendSimpleColor(channel, simpleKey, currentSimpleColors[channel][simpleKey]); } } } } property QObjProperty pCalibratePlatter: Planck.getProperty("/GUI/Scripted/CalibratePlatter"); property bool calibratePlatter: pCalibratePlatter && pCalibratePlatter.translator && pCalibratePlatter.translator.state onCalibratePlatterChanged: { if(calibratePlatter) { console.log("calibratePlatter") //Midi.sendSysEx("F0 00 02 0B 7F 08 7D 00 02 10 7F F7") } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Setup property Timer initTimer: Timer { interval: 1000 repeat: false onTriggered: { console.log("Initialization phase ended") device.isInitializing = false } } property bool isInitializing: false Component.onCompleted: { currentColors = {} currentSimpleColors = {} //Midi.sendSysEx("F0 7E 00 06 01 F7") isInitializing = true requestPowerOnButtonState(); console.log("Sending initialization message for PRIME 4 ...") //Midi.sendSysEx("F0 00 02 0B 7f 08 60 00 04 04 01 01 03 F7") initTimer.start() } Component.onDestruction: { if(Planck.quitReason() === QuitReasons.ControllerMode) { Midi.sendNoteOn(0, 117, 1) // Dim all LEDs } else { Midi.sendNoteOff(0, 117) // Turn all LEDs off } } property var currentColors property var currentSimpleColors function padToTwo(str) { return str.padStart(2, '0'); } function dec2hex(d){ return padToTwo((+d).toString(16).toUpperCase()) } function midiColorChannel(c, gamma){ return dec2hex(Math.min(127, Math.max(0,Math.floor(Math.pow(c, gamma) * 127)))) } function mapColor(color) { return Qt.rgba(color.r, color.g, color.b , color.a) } function midiColor(color, gamma) { var c = mapColor(color) return midiColorChannel(c.r, gamma)+ " " + midiColorChannel(c.g, gamma) + " " + midiColorChannel(c.b, gamma) } function sendNoteOn(channel, index, value) { Midi.sendNoteOn(channel, index, value); } function sendSimpleColor(channel, index, value) { if(!currentSimpleColors[channel]) { currentSimpleColors[channel] = {}; } currentSimpleColors[channel][index] = value if(isRunningDark) return; if(value === 0) { Midi.sendNoteOff(channel, index) } else { Midi.sendNoteOn(channel, index, value) } } //Color Send Function function sendColor(channel, index, color) { if(!currentColors[channel]) { currentColors[channel] = {}; } currentColors[channel][index] = color; if(isRunningDark) { return; } var g = device.gamma if(index >= 15 && index <= 23) { g = device.padGamma } //var sysEx = "F0 47 7F 40 65 00 04 " + dec2hex(channel) + " " + dec2hex(index) + " " + midiColor(color, g)+" F7" var sysEx = "F0 47 7F 40 65 00 04 " + dec2hex(index) + " " + padToTwo(midiColor(color, g)) +" F7" Midi.sendSysEx(sysEx) console.info("ColorSysex:",sysEx) } property list oleds property bool enablePartialOledUpdates: false Repeater { model: 8 Item { id: self property var buffer function numberToHex( num ) { var result = "0x"; if(num < 0x10) { result += "0" } result += num.toString(16); return result; } function buildSysEx(painter, x,y,w,h) { var result = "00 02 0B 7F 08 0B" var imageData = painter.imageToString(x, y, w, h); var dataLen = ((imageData.length+1) / 3) + 5; result += " " + numberToHex((dataLen >> 7) & 0x7F) result += " " + numberToHex( dataLen & 0x7F ) result += " " + index.toString(16); result += " " + numberToHex(y/8) ; result += " " + numberToHex((y/8)+(h/8)); result += " " + numberToHex(x) + " "; result += " " + numberToHex(x+w-1); result += " " + imageData return result; } function update(painter) { if(device.enablePartialOledUpdates) { var i = 0 var bufToSend = [] for(var y = 0; y < 4; y++) { for(var x = 0; x < 16; x++) { var result = buildSysEx(painter, x*8, y*8, 8, 8) if(buffer[i] !== result) { //Midi.sendSysEx(result); buffer[i] = result; bufToSend.push(result); } i++ } } if(bufToSend.length < 20) { for(var i = 0; i < bufToSend.length; i++) { //Midi.sendSysEx(bufToSend[i]) //console.info("BuftoSend:",bufToSend[i]) } } else { var fullSysEx = buildSysEx(painter, 0, 0, 128, 32) //console.info("fullSysEx:",fullSysEx) //Midi.sendSysEx(fullSysEx); } } else { var fullSysEx = buildSysEx(painter, 0, 0, 128, 32) //console.info("fullSysEx2:",fullSysEx) //Midi.sendSysEx(fullSysEx); } } Component.onCompleted: { var b = []; for(var i = 0; i < 4 * 16; i++) { b.push( "" ); } buffer = b; device.oleds.push(self) } } } function requestPowerOnButtonState() { //Midi.sendSysEx("F0 00 02 0B 7F 08 42 00 00 F7"); } function sysExToIntList(sysExString) { var valueList = sysExString.split(" "); var result = []; for(var i=0;i } Akai_Pro_Force_Public_Assignments.qml : import airAssignments 1.0 import InputAssignment 0.1 import OutputAssignment 0.1 import ControlSurfaceModules 0.1 import QtQuick 2.12 MidiAssignment { objectName: 'PRIME 4 Controller Assignment' id: assignment Utility { id: util } GlobalAssignmentConfig { id: globalConfig midiChannel: 0 } GlobalAction { id: globalAction } Back { note: 3 ledType: LedType.Simple } Forward { note: 4 shiftAction: Action.Quantize ledType: LedType.Simple } BrowseEncoder { pushNote: 6 turnCC: 5 ledType: LedType.Simple } View { note: 7 shiftAction: Action.SwitchMainViewLayout holdAction: Action.ToggleControlCenter ledType: LedType.Simple } ZoneOut { note: 16 } Media { mediaButtonsModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: 'Eject' shiftName: 'Source' note: 20 hasLed: true } } removableDeviceModel: ListModel { ListElement { // SD slot: '1' note: 52 } ListElement { // USB 1 slot: '6' note: 53 } ListElement { // USB 2 slot: '5' note: 54 } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: 'Left' deckMidiChannel: 4 loadNote: 1 } } Item { objectName: 'Deck %1'.arg(model.deckName) DeckAssignmentConfig { id: deckConfig name: model.deckName midiChannel: model.deckMidiChannel } DeckAction { id: deckAction } Load { note: model.loadNote ledType: LedType.RGB } Censor { note: 1 } TrackSkip { prevNote: 4 nextNote: 5 } BeatJump { prevNote: 6 nextNote: 7 } Sync { syncNote: 8 syncHoldAction: Action.InstantDouble } PlayCue { cueNote: 9 cueShiftAction: Action.SetCuePoint playNote: 60 } PerformanceModes { ledType: LedType.RGB modesModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 56 view: 'CUES' } ListElement { note: 57 view: 'LOOPS' altView: 'AUTO' } ListElement { note: 58 view: 'ROLL' } ListElement { note: 59 view: 'SLICER' altView: 'FIXED' } } } ActionPads { firstPadNote: 48 ledType: LedType.RGB } Parameter { leftNote: 23 rightNote: 24 } BeatGrid { leftNote: 25 rightNote: 26 editGridNote: 27 } Shift { note: 28 ledType: LedType.Simple } PitchBend { minusNote: 29 plusNote: 30 } JogWheel { touchNote: 33 ccUpper: 0x37 ccLower: 0x4D jogSensitivity: 1638.7 * 3.6 ledType: LedType.RGB } KeyLock { note: 34 } Vinyl { note: 35 } Slip { note: 36 } ManualLoop { inNote: 37 outNote: 38 } AutoLoop { pushNote: 39 turnCC: 32 ledType: LedType.Simple } SpeedSlider { ccUpper: 0x1F ccLower: 0x4B downLedNote: 42 centreLedNote: 43 upLedNote: 44 } DeckSelect { primaryDeckIndex: 1 + model.index primaryDeckNote: 28 + model.index } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: 'Right' deckMidiChannel: 5 loadNote: 2 } } Item { DeckAssignmentConfig { id: deckConfig name: model.deckName midiChannel: model.deckMidiChannel } DeckAction { id: deckAction } Load { note: model.loadNote ledType: LedType.RGB } Censor { note: 1 } TrackSkip { prevNote: 4 nextNote: 5 } BeatJump { prevNote: 6 nextNote: 7 } Sync { syncNote: 8 syncHoldAction: Action.InstantDouble } PlayCue { cueNote: 9 cueShiftAction: Action.SetCuePoint playNote: 28 } PerformanceModes { ledType: LedType.RGB modesModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 24 view: 'CUES' } ListElement { note: 25 view: 'LOOPS' altView: 'AUTO' } ListElement { note: 26 view: 'ROLL' } ListElement { note: 27 view: 'SLICER' altView: 'FIXED' } } } ActionPads { firstPadNote: 16 ledType: LedType.RGB } Parameter { leftNote: 23 rightNote: 24 } BeatGrid { leftNote: 25 rightNote: 26 editGridNote: 27 } Shift { note: 28 ledType: LedType.Simple } PitchBend { minusNote: 29 plusNote: 30 } JogWheel { touchNote: 33 ccUpper: 0x37 ccLower: 0x4D jogSensitivity: 1638.7 * 3.6 ledType: LedType.RGB } KeyLock { note: 34 } Vinyl { note: 35 } Slip { note: 36 } ManualLoop { inNote: 37 outNote: 38 } AutoLoop { pushNote: 39 turnCC: 32 ledType: LedType.Simple } SpeedSlider { ccUpper: 0x1F ccLower: 0x4B downLedNote: 42 centreLedNote: 43 upLedNote: 44 } DeckSelect { primaryDeckIndex: 1 + model.index primaryDeckNote: 28 + model.index } } } // Numbers of channels arranged from left to right: readonly property var mixerChannelOrder: [3,1,2,4] Repeater { model: mixerChannelOrder ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Channel%1 Line".arg(modelData) note: 21 + index channel: 15 output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pLine: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/Line".arg(modelData)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { pLine.translator.value = value } } } } } Repeater { model: 4 Item { ColorOutputAssignment { objectName: "Mixer Cue color for deck %1".arg(index + 1) idx: 13 channel: index readonly property color deckColor: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Preferences/Profile/Application/PlayerColor%1".arg(index + 1)).translator.color onColor: deckColor } } Component.onCompleted: { device.sendSimpleColor(15, 11, 1) //Split device.sendSimpleColor(15, 12, 1) //Dub Echo device.sendSimpleColor(15, 13, 1) //Noise device.sendSimpleColor(15, 14, 1) //Wash Out device.sendSimpleColor(15, 15, 1) //Gate device.sendSimpleColor(15, 35, 1) //Mic Talkover device.sendSimpleColor(15, 36, 1) //Mic 1 On/Off device.sendSimpleColor(15, 37, 1) //Mic 2 On/Off device.sendSimpleColor(15, 38, 1) //Mic 1 Echo On/Off device.sendSimpleColor(15, 39, 1) //Mic 2 Echo On/Off } } /////// FX Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deck: "1" controlChannel: 8 ccIndex: 11 } ListElement { deck: "2" controlChannel: 9 ccIndex: 11 } ListElement { deck: "3" controlChannel: 8 ccIndex: 13 } ListElement { deck: "4" controlChannel: 9 ccIndex: 13 } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'currentBpm' : '' } readonly property QObjProperty pCurrentBPM: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/CurrentBPM".arg(deck)) readonly property int currentBpm: pCurrentBPM && pCurrentBPM.translator ? Math.round(pCurrentBPM.translator.unnormalized * 10) : 1200 readonly property int minMixerTempo: 60 * 10 readonly property int maxMixerTempo: 300 * 10 function send() { if(currentBpm === 0) { return } var bpm = currentBpm Math.log2 = Math.log2 || function(x){return Math.log(x)*Math.LOG2E;}; if(currentBpm < minMixerTempo) { var wrapPower = Math.ceil(Math.log2(minMixerTempo / currentBpm)) bpm = currentBpm * Math.pow(2, wrapPower) } else if(currentBpm > maxMixerTempo) { var wrapPower = Math.ceil(Math.log2(currentBpm / maxMixerTempo)) bpm = currentBpm / Math.pow(2, wrapPower) } Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, ccIndex, (bpm - minMixerTempo) & 0x7F) Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, ccIndex + 1, (bpm - minMixerTempo) >> 7) } } } property bool displaysActive : false onDisplaysActiveChanged: { if(!displaysActive) { clearPainter.draw(); } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "MIDI Note Activity" note: -1 channel: -1 output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { activityTimer.restart() } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "MIDI CC Activity" cc: -1 channel: -1 output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { activityTimer.restart() } } } Connections { target: globalConfig onCurrentFocusAreaChanged: { activityTimer.restart() } } Timer { id: activityTimer interval: 10 * 60 * 1000 running: true onRunningChanged: { if(running) { displaysActive = true } } onTriggered: displaysActive = false } Painter { id: clearPainter width: 128 height: 64 format: Painter.AK01_DISPLAY function draw() { setCompositionMode(Painter.SourceOver); clear("black") setColor("white") for (var displayIndex = 0; displayIndex < device.oleds.length; displayIndex++) { device.oleds[displayIndex].update(clearPainter) } } Component.onDestruction: clearPainter.draw() } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { sideChannel: 6 controlChannel: 8 displayIndex: 3 slotName: "FXSlot1" } ListElement { sideChannel: 7 controlChannel: 9 displayIndex: 7 slotName: "FXSlot2" } } Item { id: beatSlot readonly property QObjProperty pEffectType: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectList".arg(slotName)) readonly property string effectType: pEffectType && pEffectType.translator ? pEffectType.translator.string : "" readonly property bool hasBeatLengths: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength".arg(slotName)).translator.numEntries > 0 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "%1 Knob FX WET/DRY".arg(slotName) cc: 4 channel: sideChannel enabled: true output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.0 jogSensitivity: 0.5 roundRobin: false type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/WetDry".arg(slotName) } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "%1 Beat Decrease Button".arg(slotName) note: 9 channel: sideChannel enabled: beatSlot.hasBeatLengths output: IncDecValueOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength".arg(slotName) } increaseValue: false roundRobin: false } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "%1 Beat Increase Button".arg(slotName) note: 10 channel: sideChannel enabled: beatSlot.hasBeatLengths output: IncDecValueOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength".arg(slotName) } increaseValue: true roundRobin: false } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "%1 Beat Decrease Button LED".arg(slotName) note: 9 channel: sideChannel initialValue: 0.0 enabled: beatSlot.hasBeatLengths resendValueOnEnabledChanged: true output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { device.sendSimpleColor(sideChannel, 9, assignmentEnabled ? (value ? 127 : 1) : 0) } } Component.onCompleted: output.setValue(channel, initialValue, enabled) } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "%1 Beat Increase Button LED".arg(slotName) note: 10 channel: sideChannel initialValue: 0.0 enabled: beatSlot.hasBeatLengths resendValueOnEnabledChanged: true output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { device.sendSimpleColor(sideChannel, 10, assignmentEnabled ? (value ? 127 : 1) : 0) } } Component.onCompleted: output.setValue(channel, initialValue, enabled) } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'beatLength' : '/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength'.arg(slotName) } function send() { if(effectType === 'Bit Crush') { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 0x13, propertyData.beatLength.string) } else { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 9, propertyData.beatLength.index) } } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'wetDry' : '/Client/Mixer/%1/WetDry'.arg(slotName) } function send() { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 7, propertyData.wetDry.value * 127) } readonly property bool fxEnable: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/Enable".arg(slotName)).translator.state onFxEnableChanged: { if (fxEnable) { send() } } } Item { Connections { target: assignment onDisplaysActiveChanged: { if(assignment.displaysActive) { beatDrawTimer.start() } } } Timer { id: beatDrawTimer interval: 50 onTriggered: beatDisplayPainter.draw() } Painter { id: beatDisplayPainter width: 128 height: 64 font.family: "NimbusSanD" font.weight: Font.Bold font.pixelSize: 14 font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase format: Painter.AK01_DISPLAY property QObjProperty pBeatLength: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength".arg(slotName)) property string beatLength: pBeatLength && pBeatLength.translator ? pBeatLength.translator.string : "" property int beatLengthIndex: pBeatLength && pBeatLength.translator ? pBeatLength.translator.index : 0 property QObjProperty pValue: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/WetDry".arg(slotName)) property real value: pValue && pValue.translator ? pValue.translator.value : 0.25 property int iValue: Math.round(value * 124) property string effectType: beatSlot.effectType function draw() { setCompositionMode(Painter.SourceOver); clear("black") setColor("white") if(effectType === 'Bit Crush') { drawTextInRect(0,18, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, "Bits: " + beatLength) } else if(beatSlot.hasBeatLengths) { drawTextInRect(0,18, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, beatLength + (beatLengthIndex > 6 ? " Beats" : " Beat")) } drawRect(0, 0, 127, 13) fillRect(2, 2, value * 124, 10, "white") if(value !== 0.5) { if(value > 0.5) setColor("black") drawLine(62, 1, 62, 12) } device.oleds[displayIndex].update(beatDisplayPainter) } onEffectTypeChanged: beatDrawTimer.start() onBeatLengthChanged: beatDrawTimer.start() onIValueChanged: beatDrawTimer.start() } } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { sideChannel: 6 controlChannel: 8 displayIndex: 0 slotName: "FXSlot1" } ListElement { sideChannel: 7 controlChannel: 9 displayIndex: 4 slotName: "FXSlot2" } } Item { id: fxBank ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "%1 Knob FX SELECT".arg(slotName) cc: 1 channel: sideChannel enabled: true output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.0 jogSensitivity: 1.0 type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectJogWrapper".arg(slotName) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "%1 Knob FX PARAMETER".arg(slotName) cc: 2 channel: sideChannel enabled: true output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.0 jogSensitivity: 0.5 roundRobin: false type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/ParamValueJogWrapper".arg(slotName) } } } ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "%1 Knob FX FREQUENCY".arg(slotName) cc: 3 channel: sideChannel enabled: true output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.0 jogSensitivity: 0.25 roundRobin: false type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/FrequencyJogWrapper".arg(slotName) } } } ValueNoteAssignment { note: 6 channel: sideChannel enabled: device.shift output: IncDecValueOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectList".arg(slotName) } changeAmount: 1 increaseValue: true roundRobin: true } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: '%1 Button ON'.arg(slotName) note: 6 channel: sideChannel output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value<0.5) { return } var pEnable = Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/Enable".arg(slotName)) if(!device.shift) { pEnable.translator.state = !pEnable.translator.state } else if(pEnable.translator.state) { pEnable.translator.state = false } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: '%1 Button PARAM'.arg(slotName) note: 7 channel: sideChannel enabled: true output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value<0.5) { return } var pTwoStateParam = Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/TwoStateParam".arg(slotName)) pTwoStateParam.translator.state = !pTwoStateParam.translator.state } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: '%1 Button RESET'.arg(slotName) note: 8 channel: sideChannel enabled: true output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, 8, value<0.5 ? 1 : 127) if(value<0.5) { return } Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/FrequencyJogWrapper".arg(slotName)).translator.value = 0.5 var pTwoStateParam = Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/Reset".arg(slotName)) pTwoStateParam.translator.state = true } } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'type' : '/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectList'.arg(slotName) } function send() { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 1, propertyData.type.unnormalized) if(propertyData.type.string === 'Bit Crush') { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 0x13, Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength".arg(slotName)).translator.string) } else { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 9, Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/BeatLength".arg(slotName)).translator.index) } } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'fxValue' : "/Client/Mixer/%1/ParamValue".arg(slotName) } function send() { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 5, propertyData.fxValue.value * 127) } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'fxValue' : "/Client/Mixer/%1/Frequency".arg(slotName) } function send() { Midi.sendControlChange(controlChannel, 6, propertyData.fxValue.value * 127) } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'fxEnable' : "/Client/Mixer/%1/Enable".arg(slotName) } function send() { if(propertyData.fxEnable.state) { Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, 6, 127) //color Midi.sendNoteOn(controlChannel, 1, 127) //inform dsp } else { Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, 6, 1) //color Midi.sendNoteOn(controlChannel, 1, 0) //inform dsp Midi.sendNoteOff(controlChannel, 1) //inform dsp var pTwoStateParam = Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/TwoStateParam".arg(slotName)) if (pTwoStateParam.translator.state === true) { pTwoStateParam.translator.state = false } } } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'fxTwoState' : "/Client/Mixer/%1/TwoStateParam".arg(slotName), 'fxTwoStateParamName' : "/Client/Mixer/%1/TwoStateParamName".arg(slotName) } property var flashStates: ({}) Timer { id: freezeTimer repeat: true interval: 500 running: false property bool isOn: false onTriggered: { isOn = !isOn for(var x = 0; x < Object.keys(parent.flashStates).length; ++x) { var channelNumber = parent.flashStates[Object.keys(parent.flashStates)[x]] if(channelNumber !== 0){ if(isOn) { Midi.sendNoteOn(channelNumber, 7, 127) } else { Midi.sendNoteOff(channelNumber, 7) } } } } } function stopTimer() { delete flashStates[slotName] if(Object.keys(flashStates).length === 0) freezeTimer.stop() } function send() { const dspNote = 2 const colourNote = 7 const full = 127 const dim = 1 if(propertyData.fxTwoStateParamName.string === "") { // No param Midi.sendNoteOff(sideChannel, colourNote) Midi.sendNoteOff(controlChannel, dspNote) stopTimer() } else if(propertyData.fxTwoState.state){ // Param present and on var effectEnabled = Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/Enable".arg(slotName)).translator.state; var effectName = Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectList".arg(slotName)).translator.string if(effectEnabled) { Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, colourNote, full) Midi.sendNoteOn(controlChannel, dspNote, full) if(effectName === "Reverb" || effectName === "Echo" || effectName === "Hall Echo") { freezeTimer.start() flashStates[slotName] = sideChannel } } else { propertyData.fxTwoState.state = false if(effectName === "Reverb" || effectName === "Echo" || effectName === "Hall Echo") { stopTimer() } } } else { // Param present and off Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, colourNote, dim) Midi.sendNoteOff(controlChannel, dspNote) stopTimer() } } } OutputAssignment { properties: { 'fxTwoState' : "/Client/Mixer/%1/Reset".arg(slotName) } function send() { if(propertyData.fxTwoState.state) { Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, 8, 127) //color } else { Midi.sendNoteOn(sideChannel, 8, 1) //color } } } Item { Timer { id: fxSelectDrawTimer repeat: false interval: 50 running: false onTriggered: fxSelectDisplayPainter.draw() } Painter { id: fxSelectDisplayPainter width: 128 height: 64 font.family: "NimbusSanD" font.pixelSize: 20 font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase format: Painter.AK01_DISPLAY property QObjProperty pType: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectList".arg(slotName)) property string type: pType && pType.translator ? pType.translator.string : "" function draw() { setCompositionMode(Painter.SourceOver); clear("black"); setColor("white"); drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 32, Painter.AlignCenter, type); device.oleds[displayIndex].update(fxSelectDisplayPainter) } onTypeChanged: fxSelectDrawTimer.start() } } Item { Timer { id: drawTimer repeat: false interval: 50 running: false onTriggered: fxDisplayPainter.draw() } Painter { id: fxDisplayPainter width: 128 height: 64 font.family: "NimbusSanD" font.weight: Font.Bold font.pixelSize: 14 font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase format: Painter.AK01_DISPLAY property QObjProperty pType: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/EffectList".arg(slotName)) property string type: pType && pType.translator ? pType.translator.string : "" property QObjProperty pParamName: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/ParamName".arg(slotName)) property string paramName: pParamName && pParamName.translator ? pParamName.translator.string : "" property QObjProperty pValue: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/ParamValue".arg(slotName)) property real value: pValue && pValue.translator ? pValue.translator.value : 0.25 property int iValue: Math.round(value * 124) property string lastPattern: "" readonly property var patterns: [ "xxx xxx xxx xxx ", "x x x x x x x x ", "x xx xx xx x", "xxxxx x x xxx x ", "xxx xx xxxx x x ", "xx xx xxxx xx xx", "x x xx xx xxx x ", "x xxx xxx xx x ", "x xxxx xxx xx x ", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", ] function draw() { setCompositionMode(Painter.SourceOver); clear("black"); setColor("white"); if(paramName !== 'Pattern') { lastPattern = "" } if(paramName === 'Pattern') { drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, paramName); var patternNumber = (value * 127) >> 3 var ptn = patterns[patternNumber] if(lastPattern === ptn) { return } lastPattern = ptn var x = 3 for (var i = 0; i < ptn.length; i++) { if (ptn[i] == 'x') { fillRect(x, 20, 6, 10, "white") } x = x + 7 if ((i + 1) % 4 === 0) { x = x + 3 } } } else if(paramName !== '') { drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, paramName); if(type === 'Ping Pong') { var newValue = (2 * value) - 1 drawRect(0, 18, 127, 13) fillRect(2, 20, 124, 10, "white") fillRect(64, 20, -newValue * 62, 10, "black") fillRect(64, 20, newValue * 62, 10, "black") fillRect(64, 20, 1, 10, "black") } else { drawRect(0, 18, 127, 13) fillRect(2, 20, value * 124, 10, "white") } } device.oleds[displayIndex+1].update(fxDisplayPainter) } onParamNameChanged: drawTimer.start() onIValueChanged: drawTimer.start() } } Item { Timer { id: fqDrawTimer repeat: false interval: 50 running: false onTriggered: fqDisplayPainter.draw() } Timer { id: waitTimer repeat: false interval: 2000 running: false onTriggered: fqDisplayPainter.drawFrequencyTitle() } Painter { id: fqDisplayPainter width: 128 height: 64 font.family: "NimbusSanD" font.weight: Font.Bold font.pixelSize: 14 font.capitalization: Font.MixedCase format: Painter.AK01_DISPLAY property QObjProperty pValue: Planck.getProperty("/Client/Mixer/%1/Frequency".arg(slotName)) property real value: pValue && pValue.translator ? pValue.translator.value : 0.25 property int iValue: Math.round(value * 124) property bool drawTitle: false property var freqencyArray: [ 60,72,79,86,94,103,113, 124,136,149,163,178,195,214,234, 256,281,307,336,368,403,442,484, 554,607,664,727,796,872,955,1046, 1145,1254,1373,1503,1646,1802,1973,2161, 2366,2591,2837,3106,3401,3724,4078,4465, 4889,5354,5862,6419,7028,7696,8427,9227, 10103,11063,12114,13880,15198,16641,18222] function drawFrequencyTitle() { drawTitle = true draw() } function draw() { setCompositionMode(Painter.SourceOver); clear("black"); setColor("white"); waitTimer.restart() if(iValue === 62){ drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, "ALL BANDS") fillRect(2, 20, 124, 10, "white") } else if(value < 0.5) { var msg = freqencyArray[iValue] + "Hz" if(freqencyArray[iValue] >= 1000) { msg = (freqencyArray[iValue]/1000).toFixed(1) + "kHz" } drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, "< " + msg) fillRect(2, 20, value * 2 * 124, 10, "white") } else { var val = iValue-63 var msg = freqencyArray[val] + "Hz" if(freqencyArray[val] >= 1000) { msg = (freqencyArray[val]/1000).toFixed(1) + "kHz" } drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, "> " + msg) fillRect(2 + (value - 0.5) * 2 * 125, 20, 124, 10, "white") } drawRect(0, 18, 127, 13) if(drawTitle === true){ setCompositionMode(Painter.SourceOver); fillRect(0,0, 128, 16, "black") drawTextInRect(0,0, 128, 16, Painter.AlignCenter, "FREQUENCY") drawTitle = false waitTimer.stop() } device.oleds[displayIndex+2].update(fqDisplayPainter) } onIValueChanged: fqDrawTimer.start() } } Connections { target: assignment onDisplaysActiveChanged: { if(assignment.displaysActive) { fxSelectDrawTimer.start() drawTimer.start() fqDrawTimer.start() } } } } } readonly property var activeDecks: Planck.getProperty("/GUI/Decks/ActiveDecks").translator.entries property var deckThru: [0, 0, 0, 0] property bool xFaderStartLeft: false property bool xFaderStartRight: false ValueNoteAssignment { note: 25 channel: 15 output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { xFaderStartLeft = value !== 0 } } } ValueNoteAssignment { note: 27 channel: 15 output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { xFaderStartRight = value !== 0 } } } property var crossFaderTable: [ 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,0.00005623,0.00010000,0.00017783,0.00031623,0.00056234,0.00074989,0.00100000,0.00115478,0.00133352,0.00153993,0.00177828, 0.00205353,0.00237137,0.00273842,0.00316228,0.00354813,0.00398107,0.00446684,0.00501187,0.00546387,0.00595662,0.00649382,0.00707946,0.00771792,0.00841395,0.00917276,0.01000000, 0.01090184,0.01188502,0.01295687,0.01412538,0.01539927,0.01678804,0.01830206,0.01995262,0.02175204,0.02371374,0.02585235,0.02818383,0.03072557,0.03349654,0.03651741,0.03981072, 0.04340103,0.04731513,0.05158222,0.05623413,0.05956621,0.06309573,0.06683439,0.07079458,0.07391796,0.07717915,0.08058422,0.08413951,0.08785167,0.09172759,0.09577452,0.10000000, 0.10441190,0.10901845,0.11382823,0.11885022,0.12409378,0.12956867,0.13528511,0.14125375,0.14748573,0.15399265,0.16078665,0.16788040,0.17528712,0.18302061,0.19109530,0.19952623, 0.20832913,0.21752040,0.22711719,0.23713737,0.24759963,0.25852348,0.26992928,0.28183829,0.29006812,0.29853826,0.30725574,0.31622777,0.32546178,0.33496544,0.34474661,0.35481339, 0.35995648,0.36517413,0.37046740,0.37583740,0.38128525,0.38681205,0.39241898,0.39810717,0.40387782,0.40973211,0.41567126,0.42169650,0.42780908,0.43401026,0.44030133,0.44668359, 0.44990933,0.45315836,0.45643086,0.45972699,0.46304692,0.46639083,0.46975888,0.47315126,0.47656813,0.48000968,0.48347609,0.48696753,0.49048418,0.49402622,0.49759385,0.50118723, 0.50626161,0.51138737,0.51359998,0.51582217,0.51954719,0.52329911,0.52707813,0.53088444,0.53471824,0.53857972,0.54246909,0.54638655,0.55033230,0.55430654,0.55830948,0.56234133, 0.56640229,0.57049258,0.57461241,0.57876199,0.58294153,0.58715126,0.59139139,0.59566214,0.59996373,0.60429639,0.60866033,0.61305579,0.61748299,0.62194216,0.62643354,0.63095734, 0.63551382,0.64010320,0.64472573,0.64938163,0.65219130,0.65501312,0.66164495,0.66834392,0.67511071,0.68194602,0.68489658,0.68785991,0.69282731,0.69783058,0.70286999,0.70794578, 0.71511354,0.72235386,0.72547926,0.72861817,0.73387991,0.73917965,0.74451765,0.74989421,0.75530959,0.76076408,0.76625796,0.77179152,0.77736503,0.78297879,0.78863310,0.79432823, 0.79719121,0.80006450,0.80294815,0.80584219,0.80874666,0.81166160,0.81458705,0.81752304,0.82046961,0.82342680,0.82639466,0.82937320,0.83236249,0.83536255,0.83837342,0.84139514, 0.84442776,0.84747130,0.85052582,0.85359134,0.85666791,0.85975557,0.86285436,0.86596432,0.86908549,0.87221791,0.87536162,0.87851666,0.88168307,0.88486089,0.88805017,0.89125094, 0.89446325,0.89768713,0.90092264,0.90416981,0.90742868,0.91069929,0.91398170,0.91727594,0.92058204,0.92390007,0.92723005,0.93057204,0.93392607,0.93729219,0.94067045,0.94406088, 0.94746353,0.95087844,0.95430566,0.95774524,0.96119721,0.96466162,0.96813852,0.97162795,0.97512996,0.97864459,0.98217189,0.98571190,0.98926467,0.99283025,0.99640868,1.00000000 ]; function calculateExternalMixerVolume(deckIndex) { var crossFader = Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/CrossfaderPosition").translator.value; var deckVolume = Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/DeckFaderVolume".arg(deckIndex)).translator.value; var externalVolume if(deckThru[deckIndex - 1] === 1) { externalVolume = deckVolume } else { var deckIdx = parseInt(deckIndex, 10) if(deckIdx === 1 || deckIdx === 3) { if(deckThru[deckIdx - 1] === 2) { crossFader = 1 - crossFader } } else if(deckIdx === 2 || deckIdx === 4) { if(deckThru[deckIdx - 1] === 0) { crossFader = 1 - crossFader } } var faderIndex = crossFader * 511; if (deckIdx === 1 || deckIdx === 3) { faderIndex = 511 - faderIndex; } if (faderIndex > 255) { faderIndex = 255; } var crossFaderLow = crossFaderTable[Math.floor(faderIndex)] var crossFaderHigh = crossFaderTable[Math.ceil(faderIndex)] var interpolatedTableValue = crossFaderLow + ((crossFaderHigh - crossFaderLow) * (crossFader - Math.floor(crossFader))); externalVolume = deckVolume * interpolatedTableValue; } Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/ExternalMixerVolume".arg(deckIndex)).translator.setValue(externalVolume); } ValueCCAssignment { id: xfaderStartStop objectName: "Cross Fader Start/Stop" cc: 14 channel: 15 enabled: xFaderStartLeft || xFaderStartRight property QObjProperty pCrossFaderPosition: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/CrossfaderPosition") output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { xfaderStartStop.pCrossFaderPosition.translator.value = value if(assignmentEnabled) { for (var i = 0; i < deckThru.length; i++) { calculateExternalMixerVolume(i+1); var deckIndex = "%1".arg(i+1) var deckIsActive = activeDecks.indexOf(deckIndex) !== -1 if(xFaderStartLeft && deckIsActive && deckThru[i] === 0) { if (value === 1) Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/RemoteStop".arg(deckIndex)).translator.state = true else Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/RemoteStart".arg(deckIndex)).translator.state = true } if (xFaderStartRight && deckIsActive && deckThru[i] === 2) { if (value === 0) Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/RemoteStop".arg(deckIndex)).translator.state = true else Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/RemoteStart".arg(deckIndex)).translator.state = true } } } else { for (var index = 1; index < deckThru.length + 1; index++) { calculateExternalMixerVolume(index); } } } } } Repeater { model: parseInt(Planck.getProperty("/Configuration/NumberOfDecks").translator.string) Item { property string deckIndex: "%1".arg(index+1) ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "Channel Fader %1".arg(deckIndex) cc: 14 channel: index output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/DeckFaderVolume".arg(deckIndex)).translator.setValue(value); calculateExternalMixerVolume(deckIndex); } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Thru %1".arg(deckIndex) note: 15 channel: index normalizeValue: false output: QtObject { function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { deckThru[channel] = value calculateExternalMixerVolume(deckIndex) } } } } } } And what it gives : I'm in slicer mode, on the 2 decks. {{http://dnttalo.cluster029.hosting.ovh.net/Pictures/Prime4Slicer.jpg}}