This project is in progess, and not still finished
I think the best / easier usage with force is to use prime2 or primeGo. Below i will explain / provide a template for Prime2.
Prime use QML from QT to do assignments and map functions. You can write your own javascript / qml code to suit your needs.
Qml below allow to map these functions :
Back , Forward, load Right & Left , Rotary button are mapped like this : (Load R/L is mapped below)
### Code Header with Air Imports ### import airAssignments 1.0 import ControlSurfaceModules 0.1 import InputAssignment 0.1 import OutputAssignment 0.1 import Planck 1.0 import QtQuick 2.12 ### Then assignment begin for global parameters ### MidiAssignment { objectName: 'PRIME 2 Controller Assignment' Utility { id: util } GlobalAssignmentConfig { id: globalConfig midiChannel: 0 } GlobalAction { id: globalAction } Back { note: 67 ledType: LedType.Simple } Forward { //note: 115 shiftAction: Action.Quantize ledType: LedType.Simple } BrowseEncoder { pushNote: 111 turnCC: 100 ledType: LedType.Simple } View { note: 0 holdAction: Action.ToggleControlCenter shiftAction: Action.SwitchMainViewLayout ledType: LedType.Simple } Shift { note: 49 ledType: LedType.Simple } Media { mediaButtonsModel: ListModel { ListElement { name: 'Eject' shiftName: 'Source' note: 20 hasLed: true } } } Mixer { cueMixCC: 12 cueGainCC: 13 crossfaderCC: 32 } MicSettings {} Mics { mic1Note: 36 mic2Note: 37 mic1ShiftAction: Action.ToggleMicTalkover }
Then we create one repeater bloc for deck1 and further, another for deck2
DeckMidiChannel is 9 on the force when you press the sensitive pads in the middle.
that's why i use deckMidiChannel: 9 , which will be assigned to my whole repeater bloc section
### Repeater 1 for Deck Left ### Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: 'Left' deckMidiChannel: 9 loadNote: 123 } } Item { DeckAssignmentConfig { id: deckConfig name: model.deckName midiChannel: model.deckMidiChannel } DeckAction { id: deckAction } Bank {} Load { note: model.loadNote ledType: LedType.Simple } PerformanceModes { ledType: LedType.RGB modesModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 78 view: 'CUES' } ListElement { note: 79 view: 'LOOPS' altView: 'AUTO' } ListElement { note: 80 view: 'ROLL' } ListElement { note: 81 view: "SLICER" altView: "FIXED" } } }
Here In PerformanceModes section , we define where we want the function pad assignment. I've done it on note 78,79,80,81 for deck 1
By using LedType.RGB option, I suspect Engine send a sendcolor function through the Device Assignement file . However this property is not assignable to each functions.
The we defined ActionPads , they are for the pads when you will press one of the pad upper :
- Press 78 you'll have CUES mode
- Press 79 you'll have LOOPS mode
- Press 80 you'll have AUTOLOOPS mode
- Press 81 you'll have SLICER mode
ActionPads { firstPadNote: 70 ledType: LedType.RGB }
As prime 2 has 8 pads, when putting 70, it will assign pads from 70 to 77 ( 70, 70+1 , 70+2 ,70+3, etc… to 70+7) (0 to 7 = 8 pads )
As an exemple, when you'll press the pad for the cue ( pad number 78 ) . it will send a Sysex message to the pad via sendcolor function, defined in the Device Assignment File. And then you'll have all the cue for this track
You can trigger you cue, by pushing the colored pad , create new on the no colored one or remove them by press shift of the AKF + your colored pad. Shift button has been mapped upper with Shift keyword ( see upper ) to note 49, which is the midi note that shift button send on AKF.
It will work the same for loops (press key 79 ) , quick auto loops (key 80) , and slicer (key 81 ) Below some pics of these functions.
** Slicer
Sync { syncNote: 83 syncHoldAction: Action.KeySync } PlayCue { cueNote: 37 cueShiftAction: Action.SetCuePoint playNote: 82 } PitchBend { minusNote: 29 plusNote: 30 } JogWheel { touchNote: 33 ccUpper: 0x37 ccLower: 0x4D jogSensitivity: 1638.7 * 10.08 hasTrackSearch: true } Vinyl { note: 35 holdAction: Action.GridCueEdit } AutoLoop { pushNote: 116 turnCC: 16 loopInactiveShiftTurnAction: Action.BeatJump ledType: LedType.Simple } SpeedSlider { ccUpper: 0x1F ccLower: 0x4B invert: true } } }
Same thing for deck Right
### Repeater 2 for Deck Right ### Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: 'Right' deckMidiChannel: 9 loadNote: 124 } } Item { DeckAssignmentConfig { id: deckConfig name: model.deckName midiChannel: model.deckMidiChannel } DeckAction { id: deckAction } Bank {} Load { note: model.loadNote ledType: LedType.Simple } PerformanceModes { ledType: LedType.RGB modesModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 110 view: 'CUES' } ListElement { note: 111 view: 'LOOPS' altView: 'AUTO' } ListElement { note: 112 view: 'ROLL' } ListElement { note: 113 view: "SLICER" altView: "FIXED" } } } ActionPads { firstPadNote: 102 ledType: LedType.RGB } Sync { syncNote: 115 syncHoldAction: Action.KeySync } PlayCue { cueNote: 9 cueShiftAction: Action.SetCuePoint playNote: 114 } PitchBend { minusNote: 29 plusNote: 30 } JogWheel { touchNote: 33 ccUpper: 0x37 ccLower: 0x4D jogSensitivity: 1638.7 * 10.08 hasTrackSearch: true } Vinyl { note: 35 holdAction: Action.GridCueEdit } AutoLoop { pushNote: 56 turnCC: 23 loopInactiveShiftTurnAction: Action.BeatJump ledType: LedType.Simple } SpeedSlider { ccUpper: 0x1F ccLower: 0x4B invert: true } } }
Code below allow to map functions on the pic below
Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: "Left" deckMidiChannel: 0 } ListElement { deckName: "Right" deckMidiChannel: 0 } } Item { id: deckmixer // Internal properties for Deck 1 readonly property QObjProperty padsView1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Pads/View".arg(1)) property string padsMode1: padsView1.translator.string readonly property bool padsModeIsAutoLoop1: padsMode1 === "AUTO" readonly property bool padsModeIsLoop1: padsMode1 === "LOOPS" readonly property bool padsModeIsLoopRoll1: padsMode1 === "ROLL" readonly property bool padsModeIsSlicerContinuous1: padsMode1 === "SLICER" readonly property bool padsModeIsSlicer1: padsModeIsSlicerContinuous1 || padsMode1 === "FIXED" readonly property bool loopEnabled1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/LoopEnableState".arg(1)).translator.state readonly property bool loopEditable1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/LoopEnableState".arg(1)).translator.editable // Internal properties for Deck 2 readonly property QObjProperty padsView2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Pads/View".arg(2)) property string padsMode2: padsView2.translator.string readonly property bool padsModeIsAutoLoop2: padsMode2 === "AUTO" readonly property bool padsModeIsLoop2: padsMode2 === "LOOPS" readonly property bool padsModeIsLoopRoll2: padsMode2 === "ROLL" readonly property bool padsModeIsSlicerContinuous2: padsMode2 === "SLICER" readonly property bool padsModeIsSlicer2: padsModeIsSlicerContinuous2 || padsMode2 === "FIXED" readonly property bool loopEnabled2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/LoopEnableState".arg(2)).translator.state readonly property bool loopEditable2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/LoopEnableState".arg(2)).translator.editable // Sweep Filter for Deck 1 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "Dual Filter Cutoff Deck%1".arg(1) cc: 16 channel: deckMidiChannel output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.5; jogSensitivity: 0.5; type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/SweepFx/Value".arg(1) } } } // Sweep Filter for deck 2 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "Dual Filter Cutoff Deck%1".arg(2) cc: 23 channel: deckMidiChannel output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.5; jogSensitivity: 0.5; type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/SweepFx/Value".arg(2) } } }
Then we will map Parameters buttons, used when you are in slice or loop modes
// // PARAMETERS DECK RIGHT & LEFT // ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Parameter Left Deck%1".arg(1) note: 58 channel: 0 output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pHalveLoop1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/HalveLoop".arg(1)) readonly property QObjProperty pShiftLoopLeft1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/ShiftLoopLeft".arg(1)) readonly property QObjProperty pHalve1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/Slicer/Halve".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { console.log("SVVal:",value) console.log("SVChan:",assignmentEnabled) if(assignmentEnabled && value) { if(padsModeIsSlicer1) { pHalve1.translator.state = true } else if(loopEnabled1) { if(device.shift) { pShiftLoopLeft1.translator.state = true } else { pHalveLoop1.translator.state = true } } } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Parameter Right Deck%1".arg(1) note: 59 channel: 0 output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pDoubleLoop1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/DoubleLoop".arg(1)) readonly property QObjProperty pShiftLoopRight1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/ShiftLoopRight".arg(1)) readonly property QObjProperty pDouble1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/Slicer/Double".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled && value) { if(padsModeIsSlicer1) { pDouble1.translator.state = true } else if(loopEnabled) { if(device.shift) { pShiftLoopRight1.translator.state = true } else { pDoubleLoop1.translator.state = true } } } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Parameter Left Deck%1".arg(2) note: 62 channel: 0 output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pHalveLoop2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/HalveLoop".arg(2)) readonly property QObjProperty pShiftLoopLeft2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/ShiftLoopLeft".arg(2)) readonly property QObjProperty pHalve2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/Slicer/Halve".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { //console.log("SVVal:",value) //console.log("SVChan:",assignmentEnabled) //device.sendColorButton(1,59) if(assignmentEnabled && value) { if(padsModeIsSlicer2) { pHalve2.translator.state = true } else if(loopEnabled2) { if(device.shift) { pShiftLoopLeft2.translator.state = true } else { pHalveLoop2.translator.state = true } } } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Parameter Right Deck%1".arg(2) note: 63 channel: 0 output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pDoubleLoop2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/DoubleLoop".arg(2)) readonly property QObjProperty pShiftLoopRight2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/ShiftLoopRight".arg(2)) readonly property QObjProperty pDouble2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/Slicer/Double".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled && value) { if(padsModeIsSlicer2) { pDouble2.translator.state = true } else if(loopEnabled2) { if(device.shift) { pShiftLoopRight2.translator.state = true } else { pDoubleLoop2.translator.state = true } } } } } } /* ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "Volume Deck%1".arg(deckName) cc: 14 normalizeValue: false channel: deckMidiChannel output: ValueOutput { useSoftTakeover: false target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/Volume/Level".arg(index + 1)} } } */ ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Cue Deck%1".arg(deckName) note: 13 channel: deckMidiChannel output: ActionOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/PFL".arg(index + 1) } } } ValueOutputAssignment { objectName: "Channnel Cue LED %1".arg(deckName) enabled: !device.isInitializing messageType: type.note midiIndex: 13 channel: deckMidiChannel minimum: 1 path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/PFL".arg(index + 1) } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "CrossfaderSendleft" + index note: 15 channel: deckMidiChannel valueTransform: QtObject { function transformValue(in_val) { var leftVal = 0.0 if (in_val === leftVal) { return 1.0 } else { return 0.0 } } } output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.hold target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/Crossfader/SendLeft".arg(index + 1); } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "CrossfaderSendRight" + index note: 15 channel: deckMidiChannel valueTransform: QtObject { function transformValue(in_val) { var rightVal = 0.0156 // A little bit less than 2/127 to make comparing easier if (in_val >= rightVal) { return 1.0 } else { return 0.0 } } } output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.hold target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/Crossfader/SendRight".arg(index + 1); } } } } } Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { mixerChannelName: '2' mixerChannelMidiChannel: 0 } } Item { objectName: 'Mixer Channel %1'.arg(model.mixerChannelName) MixerChannelAssignmentConfig { id: mixerChannelConfig name: model.mixerChannelName midiChannel: model.mixerChannelMidiChannel } MixerChannelCore { pflNote: 116 trimCC: 117 trebleCC:31 midCC: 6 bassCC: 30 faderCC: 230 } //SweepFxKnob { // cc: 23 //} SweepFxSelect { channelNames: [model.mixerChannelName] buttonsModel: ListModel { ListElement { note: 58 fxIndex: SweepEffect.DualFilter } ListElement { note: 590 fxIndex: SweepEffect.Wash } } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Effect Controls Repeater { model: ListModel { ListElement { deckName: "Left" deckMidiChannel: 0 } ListElement { deckName: "Right" deckMidiChannel: 1 } } Item { id: deckFx readonly property string activeDeckIndex: Planck.getProperty("/GUI/Decks/Decks").translator.entries[index] onActiveDeckIndexChanged: { pGridEdit.translator.state = false pShowCueEdit.translator.state = false } readonly property bool cueLEDState1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/CueLEDState".arg(1)).translator.state readonly property bool cueLEDFlashing1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/Track/CueLEDState".arg(1)).translator.flashing readonly property QObjProperty pTempoSyncedFlashState1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/TempoSyncedFlashState".arg(1)) readonly property bool tempoSyncedFlashState1: pTempoSyncedFlashState1.translator.state readonly property string syncMode1: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/SyncMode".arg(1)).translator.string readonly property string syncMode2: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Deck%1/SyncMode".arg(2)).translator.string // Fx Activation Deck1 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Active Button".arg(1) note: 93 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !device.shift output: ActionOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Active".arg(1) function setValue(deckMidiChannel) { console.log("chan",deckMidiChannel) } } } } // Fx Selection Deck1 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(1) cc: 17 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0.5) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized - 1 } else { pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized + 1 } } } } } // Fx Selecting Deck1 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) cc: 17 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1) } } } // FxAmount Deck1 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Amount".arg(1) cc: 18 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(1)).translator.string === "Amount" output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.5; jogSensitivity: 0.5; type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Amount".arg(1) } property bool debug:true // You can comment below, i let it as an example. Its documented in Engine binary. // Open Engine Binary with 7zip, extract .rodata , open with np++ and search for "MidiAssignment". function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled, timestamp) { if(!assignmentEnabled) { privateData.oldJogValue = -1.0 return; } //console.log("out",value) var t = target.get(channel, value); // result[0]: bool indicating whether the value needs decreasing // result[1]: float amount by which to decrease / increase var result = [false, 0.0]; switch(type) { case 0: case 3: calcValueTypeA(value, result); break; case 1: calcValueTypeB(value, result); break; case 2: calcValueTypeC(value, result); break; default: console.warn("Incorrect output type.") break; } if(!t || (t.editable !== undefined && !t.editable)) return; if(invert === result[0]) { t.incValue(result[1], rangeMax, rangeMin, roundRobin, false, timestamp); } else { t.decValue(result[1], rangeMin, rangeMax, roundRobin, false, timestamp); } } function calcValueTypeA(value, result) { var v = value * 127.0 //console.log("val:",v) result[0] = v >= 64.0 if(result[0]) { v = 128 - v } // Now v is in [0...63] v /= 63.0; result[1] = jogSensitivity * v; } } } // FxMix Deck1 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Mix".arg(1) cc: 19 channel: deckMidiChannel output: JogOutput { jogAcceleration: 1.5; jogSensitivity: 0.5; type: 0 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Mix".arg(1) } } } // Fx Rate Deck1 ( mapped to Inexistant CC) ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Rate".arg(1) cc: 1001 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(1)).translator.string === "Rate" output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pTarget: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Rate".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { var counterClock = value > 0.5 var changeIndex = counterClock ? -1 : 1 pTarget.translator.index = pTarget.translator.index + changeIndex } } } } /////////////// DECK 2 ( RIGHT ) // Fx Activation Deck2 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Active Button".arg(2) note: 05 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !device.shift output: ActionOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Active".arg(2) } } } // Fx Selection Deck2 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(2) cc: 20 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0.5) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized - 1 } else { pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized + 1 } } } } } // Fx Selecting Deck2 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(2) cc: 20 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2) } } } // Fx Rate Deck2 ( mapped to Inexistant CC) ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Rate".arg(2) cc: 1000 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(2)).translator.string === "Rate" output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pTarget: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Rate".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(assignmentEnabled) { var counterClock = value > 0.5 var changeIndex = counterClock ? -1 : 1 pTarget.translator.index = pTarget.translator.index + changeIndex } } } } // FxAmount Deck2 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Amount".arg(2) cc: 21 channel: deckMidiChannel enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Knob2Target".arg(2)).translator.string === "Amount" output: EndlessKnobOutput { smallestIncrement: 0.01 biggestIncrement: 0.1 target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Amount".arg(2) } } } // FxMix Deck2 ValueCCAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Mix".arg(2) cc: 22 channel: deckMidiChannel output: ValueOutput { target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Mix".arg(2) } } } // In test ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "Cue-Split" channel: 0 note: 59 output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.hold target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Cue/CueMix/Split"; } } } // SyncLed Deck1 OutputAssignment { objectName: "Sync LED Deck%1".arg(1) properties: { 'ledValue': '' } readonly property int ledValue: { if(syncMode1 === "TempoSync") { globalSyncMode === "Tempo" || tempoSyncedFlashState ? 127 : 0 } else if(syncMode1 === "BeatOrBarSync") { 127 } else { 1 } } function send() { //device.sendSimpleColor(deckMidiChannel, 8, ledValue) device.sendColorSyncd1(ledValue,"Deck1Sync") //console.log("simpecolor",ledValue) } Component.onCompleted: send() } // SyncLed Deck2 OutputAssignment { objectName: "Sync LED Deck%1".arg(2) properties: { 'ledValue': '' } readonly property int ledValue: { if(syncMode2 === "TempoSync") { globalSyncMode === "Tempo" || tempoSyncedFlashState ? 127 : 0 } else if(syncMode2 === "BeatOrBarSync") { 127 } else { 1 } } function send() { //device.sendSimpleColor(deckMidiChannel, 8, ledValue) device.sendColorSyncd2(ledValue,"Deck2Sync") //console.log("simpecolor",ledValue) } Component.onCompleted: send() } // Cue Led Deck1 OutputAssignment { objectName: "Cue LED Deck%1".arg(1) properties: { 'ledValue': '' } readonly property int ledValue: { if(cueLEDState1) { 127 } else if(cueLEDFlashing1) { tempoSyncedFlashState1 ? 127 : 0 } else { 1 } } function send() { device.sendColorLedd1(ledValue,"led") } Component.onCompleted: send() } //////////// FX ASSIGNMENTS TO RED PADS NOTE 54 to 57 //////////// Fx index goes from (0) to (12) in order below //////////// Echo (0), Delayn Hall, PingPong, AutoGate, Flanger, LFO Filter, Phaser, Crush, Roll, RevRoll, Scratch, Reverb (12) // RED PAD 1 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(1) note: 54 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 3 //console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) // Send to device - look at device file device.sendFxColorbutton(0) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) note: 54 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1) } } } // RED PAD 2 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(1) note: 55 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(1)) readonly property QObjProperty pFx1Active: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel1/DJFx/Active") function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 4 //console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) //console.log("pFx1Active:",pFx1Active.translator.state) device.sendFxColorbutton(1) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) note: 55 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1) } } } // RED PAD 3 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(1) note: 56 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 6 console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) device.sendFxColorbutton(2) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) note: 56 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1) } } } // RED PAD 4 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) note: 57 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1) } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(1) note: 57 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(1)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(1)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 8 console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) device.sendFxColorbutton(3) } } } } //////////// END FX ASSIGNMENTS TO RED PADS //////////// FX ASSIGNMENTS TO GREEN PADS NOTE 58 to 61 //////////// Fx index goes from (0) to (12) in order below //////////// Echo (0), Delayn Hall, PingPong, AutoGate, Flanger, LFO Filter, Phaser, Crush, Roll, RevRoll, Scratch, Reverb (12) // GREEN PAD 1 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(2) note: 58 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 3 //console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) // Send to device - look at device file device.sendFxColorbuttonD2(4) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(2) note: 58 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2) } } } // GREEN PAD 2 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(2) note: 59 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(2)) readonly property QObjProperty pFx1Active: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel1/DJFx/Active") function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 4 //console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) //console.log("pFx1Active:",pFx1Active.translator.state) device.sendFxColorbuttonD2(5) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(2) note: 59 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2) } } } // GREEN PAD 3 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(2) note: 60 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 6 console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) device.sendFxColorbuttonD2(6) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(1) note: 60 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2) } } } // GREEN PAD 4 ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selection".arg(2) note: 61 channel: 9 enabled: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: QtObject { readonly property QObjProperty pSelectionIndex: Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/PreselectIndex".arg(2)) function setValue(channel, value, assignmentEnabled) { if(value > 0) { // turn counter clockwise, value normalized pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized = 8 console.log("idx:",pSelectionIndex.translator.unnormalized ) device.sendFxColorbuttonD2(7) } } } } ValueNoteAssignment { objectName: "FX%1 Selecting".arg(2) note: 61 channel: 9 enabled: !Planck.getProperty("/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2)).translator.state output: ActionOutput { behaviour: force.action target: PropertyTarget { path: "/Engine/Mixer/Channel%1/DJFx/Selecting".arg(2) } } } //////////// END FX ASSIGNMENTS TO RED PADS } //Closing Item } // Closing Repeater } // Closing assignment
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